What's the PLAN ?

We roll out in 2022

We've been planning for the last year - and now it's time to put our ideas into action. We'll start with the first school(s) in 2022, with the goal of having decongested all 12 schools by 2030.

The Ksh. 10 Million Question.

It's hard to say from the outset what each school will need, as they are in different states of repair, and have different sizes. But we're working on the basis of about KShs 600K per classroom, an many schools need upto 20 new classrooms.

We will be creative and resourceful, upgrading where we can, building new -and green- where we can. We'll tap into community creativity as well, using "talking walls", crafts and skills to get quality teaching, learning and playing materials to the kids. And recruiting additional teaching and school support staff.
